Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Upset with myself

You know... sometimes this kind of feeling just shut me in a dark room... restrict me from talking. oh tidak, sangat takde mood nak mengarang in english. How do I express this? There are some time in my life that i will blame myself for whatever happened in my life, and also my surroundings.

I've been noticing that my kids are pretty out of shape.. Hannan is getting thinner,.. Hani also. Yesterday we went to Putrajaya clinic to have Hafiyya's 1 year old check up. Guess what? she is underweight, and the graph turned to yellow. uhuhuhu, I feel sad. Sometimes I do feel like I am good for nothing. I am not a good person, not a good wife, a bad mother? sucker?!  maybe its time to re-examine myself.

Give me a break!~ as I feel down! down! down!  Give me sometime to compose myself and I'll be back!


Nurul Huda Seenice said...

lek lek.. jgn stress.. nati darah naik..lagi haru... ape yg aku paham dlm life kite... kite takkan dpt semua...mungkin kite lebih sini...n kurg sini... mmg byk bende hok kite sacrifice utk dptkan ape yg kite nok n pilih... jd kite kene redho... cam kak aku kate, ade member die nok bantu family die kejo biz pd masa yg same, die terpksa korban masa die bersama ank2...

Confession of a Coffeeholic Momma said...

don't be too hard on yourself. i know lah it can be very upsetting bila we face this kind of stuff. kita rasa cam org mesti pikir kita ni bad mom. diorang apa tau, bukan diorang yg jaga anak2 kita tu kan?

relax... think again about the child's diet. cukup 3main meal a day? cukup nutri? so far how many times dia dah sakit in the period of last 3months. then u can evaluate if ur being a good mom or neglectful mom. i'm pretty sure u've tried ur best.

i pun selalu mental bila go for checkup si Miya ni. mesti they worry about her weight. i keep on stressing that she is pretty tall for her age & never been sick. she's just skinny (like me). shouldn't i feel blessed that my daughter haven't start showing any obese trait this young? sentap nurse tu kat situ. hahahha....

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